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  CloudiBook Frequently Asked Questions    

OwniCloud Doc content is encrypted, it is kind of like email but much more powerful to manage docs: doc name = email subject; doc content = email content; doc attached files = email attached files;

1. How to create a personal user account?
2. How to create a group account and add users to group?
3. How to make a new document?
4. How to update a document (also update document chapter/section) or delete a document and all its attached files?
4-2. How to delete attached file one by one?
5. How to make a new Chapter and Section?
6. How to Update/Delete Chapter and Section?
7. How to make attached file name and content searchable? How to attach files to a document?
8. How to download the attached file?
9. How to search?
10. How to search keywords in a Chapter or Section?
11. How to work on two user accounts at the same time?
12. How to use Calendar?
13. For a person, how to manage personal contacts? For a company, how to manage customers, employees, business contacts etc.?
14. How to keep a copy of your data by yourself? (paid service)
15. How to change password?
16. How to self-check user account activities?
17. How to unlock a group account document?

1. How to create a personal user account?
(1) Go to http://www.ownicloud.com and click "Apply Personal User" button
(2) Fill in related information including user name and password, (*) text box is required
(3) Read "Terms of Use" and "privacy", Click "I Agree and Submit" button, your account is created and your user name and password are ready for login

2. How to create a group account and add users to group?
(1) Go to http://www.ownicloud.com and click "Apply Group User" button
(2) Fill in related information, group user name starts with grp_, (*) text box is required
(3) Read "Terms of Use" and "privacy", Click "I Agree and Submit" button, your account is created and your user name and password are ready for login
(4) Group owner has full right to manage the Group, to invite user into group, login group account, click top "Invite other User to Group" link, enter username you want to invite, set Read Only or Edit privilege, then click "Invite User to Group" button. The invited user needs to login to accept or deny the invitation

3. How to make a new document?
(1) After login, on home page, click "Make a new document" link
(2) Choose Chapter in the drop down list box and click "Submit" button
(3) Choose Section in the drop down list box and click "Submit" button
(4) Fill in Document Name(*), if you need to attach a file to the document, click "Choose File" button to find the file, then fill in Document Content, if it is an important document, select Side Listings “Yes” to list it in left pane
(5) Click "I Agree and Submit" button to make your document
(6) Click "See your document!" link to see the doc and its attached file(s)
(7) After you've seen the doc, you can click "Update Document" link to edit it, click "Delete Document" link to delete the doc and all its attached files, click "Send Email" link to send the doc as an email

4. How to update a document (also update document chapter/section) or delete a document and all its attached files?
(1) Go through chapters/sections or use home page searches to find out the document and open it
(2) Click "Update Document" link on the top to update it, you can also update your document's Chapter/Section here to move it to another chapter/section

4-2. How to delete attached file one by one?
(1) Files are attached to document, go through chapters/sections or use home page searches to find out the document and open it
(2) Click "Update Document" link on the top, if you have attached file(s), you can click delete link beside each file to delete it one at a time

5. How to make a new Chapter and Section?
(1) Click "Make a new Chapter / Section" link on home page
(2) Type in new Chapter and Section name and click "Submit" button to make a new Chapter and Section or
(3) Type in new Section name under existing Chapter and click "Submit" button to make a new Section under existing Chapter

6. How to Update/Delete Chapter and Section?
(1) Click "Update / Delete a Chapter / Section" link on home page
(2) To change existing Chapter name under "Update Chapter", select Old Chapter Name you want to change in the drop down list box, then type in New Chapter Name, and click "Submit" button. (if the new Chapter name you typed in happened to be another existing Chapter name, you merge the two Chapters into one)
(3) Under "Delete Chapter", select the Chapter name you want to delete in the drop down list box, then click "Submit" button. Note, to avoid deleting all the documents in a Chapter by mistake, you have to delete all documents in the Chapter first, then you can delete the Chapter
(4) Under "Update or Delete Section" name, select the Chapter name which the Section belongs to and click "Submit" button, then you can change Section name, delete Section, or move Section to another Chapter:
     (a) To change Section name under "Update Section", select Old Section Name you want to change in the drop down list box, type in the New Section Name, and click "Submit" button. (if the new Section name you typed in happened to be another existing Section name, you merge the two sections into one)
     (b) Under "Move Section To Another Chapter", select the Section Name you want to move, then select the new Chapter name you want to move to, click "Submit" button
     (c) Under "Delete Section", select the Section name you want to delete in the drop down list box, then click "Submit" button. Note, to avoid deleting all the documents in a Section by mistake, you have to delete all documents in the Section first, then you can delete the Section

7. How to make attached file name and content searchable? How to attach files to a document?
To make your attached file name and content searchable, you have to copy attached file name and content into Document Content, then you can search it in home page. OwniCloud won’t search attached file content by default, this design avoids large amount of unnecessary content to be searched, so the searches are always fast.
(1) Go through chapters/sections or use home searches to find out your document and open it
(2) Click "Update Document" link on the top
(3) Click "Choose File" or "Browse..." button to find the file you want to attach, then click "I Agree and Submit" button to attach it
(4) Repeat (1), (2) and (3) to attach more files to a document, your newly attached file will overwrite the previous attached file if they have the same name, this allow you to update the attached file to make it up-to-date

8. How to download the attached file?
(1) Go through chapters/sections or use home searches to find out your document and open it, you can see all the attached files
(2) Right click the one you would like to download and choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." or "Download Linked File" or "Download Linked Files As...", then save it to somewhere on your computer

9. How to search?
(1) On home page after login, “Doc Content Search” box will search all doc name and content;
(2) On home page after login, “Doc Content 2 Words” box can search two sets of keywords to further filter search result list; you can search words in a chapter or section by filling one box with chapter/section name
(3) On home page after login, “Doc Name Search” box only search Document Name;
(4) On home page after login, if you have hundreds of Chapters and Sections, you’ll need to search Chapter Section Name in the last search box called "Chapter/Section Name Search"

10. How to search keywords in a Chapter or Section?
On home page after login, “Doc Content 2 Words” box can search keywords in a Chapter or Section, just fill one text box with Chapter/Section name, then type in keywords in another text box.

11. How to work on two user accounts at the same time?
Login one user account by Microfost Internet Explorer (i.e.) or Edge, then login another user account by Chrome, Firefox or other kind of browser to work on two user accounts at the same time. (If you login both accounts all by i.e., later login user will overwrite previous login user session, so you always work on the last login user, you lost the previous login user session. This is caused by Browser Design, not by our application)

12. How to make Calendar?
After login your personal user account, go to home page, click "My Calendar" link under chapter "My Documents", you'll see examples of how to manage your Calendar for years. To mark a new calendar event or appointment, go to Home page, click Make a new Document, choose chapter My Documents and click Submit button, choose section My Calendar and click Submit button, in Document Name text box, type in yyyy.mm.dd New Event or Appointment..., you can attach related files to it, then click I Agree and Submit button at bottom. Go to Home and click "My Calendar" link, all events or appointments are listed there in aphabetical order, finished one can be deleted or updated to "Done 2013.11.28 Appointment 1 ...…".

13. For a person, how to manage personal contacts? For a company, how to manage customers, employees, business contacts etc.?
After login your personal user account, go to home page, click Make a new Document, select My Documents and click Submit, select My Contact and click Submit, in "Document Name(*):", enter person's first and last name, then enter Website, Person or Company Name (no need to fill again), Email, Address, Phone, Fax etc. to manage personal and/or business contacts, all info can be searched on home page.

14. How to keep a copy of your data by yourself? (paid service)
On home page after login, click 'z Backup' link, then click 'Zip file data backup by yourself - paid service' link, you can see "Attached files: test_no_data.zip", after you paid, your real data backup zip file will be there for you to download.

15. How to change password?
On home page after very first login, click top link "Change Password"

16. How to self-check user account activities?
Personal user can self-check account activities to make sure account is safe; group owner can check member user activities in group account. On home page after very first login, click top link "Self-check Account Activities" to see who and when the documents are accessed, created, updated, and deleted. If you find activities you didn't do, change password immediately and report to info@ownicloud.com

17. How to unlock a group account document?
If a group account document is locked by mistake, you have to contact group owner to unlock it, or you just wait couple of hours to have "Unlock" link appeared, then you can unlock it by yourself.

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